5 productivity hacks to add to your Friday routine
A busy work week doesn’t have to be hectic and chaotic. We’ve all had days where we just wanted to lay down and sleep in. However, it’s no secret that our successful peers plan ahead. It’s one of the most crucial steps to improve productivity. Even if it’s just spreading out the following weeks workload by a little bit, planning ahead will have done its job.
Friday has turned into the day of lost productivity at many offices. Many people end up frantically working to meet deadlines, or some people choose to use it as time to socialize before the weekend. In every Office, there’s one person who chats up everyone within earshot about what he has planned for the weekend. While we know that many offices just learn to accept it as a low productivity day, We think you should take charge. Use Fridays to help improve productivity all through the upcoming week.
Here are somethings that we noticed Successful people do on Fridays.
Reflecting on the past week
You should take a few minutes to reflect on all that you accomplished and achieved during the week. The small victories are the ones that need to be counted. Being able to remember the positive progress you made during the week will help you keep going. Allowing yourself to reflect on your accomplishments during the week builds your confidence & motivation, allowing you to continue
moving forward with difficult or time consuming projects.
Setting Priorities and Goals
Setting Priorities and Goals for the following week is important too. We always hear the phrase, “You need to Prioritize“ time and time again, but how many of us actually do it? Take a moment and jot down 4 things that you want to get accomplished the following week. It doesn’t matter if it’s Work-related or personal matters, prioritizing will allow you to have a better grasp on what you plan on doing.
Create a To-Do list
This one isn’t too complicated, but having a to-do list can be very helpful when you come back the following week. Instead of spending your first hours of Monday, struggling to remember where you left at on the previous week- you can reference your to-do list. Make sure to add an estimated completion date so you can get a good general idea of when everything should be done.
Have a Friday fun activity to look forward to
We’re not talking about chatting with your coworkers and swapping weekend stories. Set a hour aside to do something fulfilling and fun. Make it a routine Friday activity –it could be playing table tennis, hitting the gym, or cocktails with coworkers. This way, you’ll have something to look forward to as Friday comes up, and keep the morale up!

Plan your weekend out
The worst part of the weekend is when Sunday comes and you haven’t done anything you needed to. Maybe you forgot your plans or got sidetracked, but there’s nothing worse than feeling like you wasted the weekend. Time always just slips by – which is why planning ahead allows you to get the most satisfaction and fulfillment from your weekend. After a fulfilling weekend, you’ll come back to the office on Monday ready to tackle the most difficult projects.
Ending your work week on these positive notes will help you maximize productivity the following week. It’s worth noting that the most successful people have routines that they follow. Creating your own routines lets you make the most of your days. While it’s admirable to work hard, you may not be as effective at 8:00pm compared to your normal self at 10:00am. For Entrepreneurs, The saying “Work Smarter, Not Harder” comes to mind here.
If you have any thoughts you’d like to share, you can contact us here.